"Nanuk Narratives" is an Inuit-led docuseries of short videos that delves into the deep and enduring relationship among Inuit and polar bears in and around the Davis Strait. The series highlights an array of lived experiences with polar bears, including long-time polar bear hunters, Elders, cooks, and youth across Nunavut, Nunavik, Nunatsiavut, and Greenland. These videos explore a diversity of topics, including Inuit observations of bear abundance and health, human-bear encounters and safety, tracking and hunting bears, cooking and eating bears, the cultural and emotional connections to bears, and Inuit recommendations for polar bear management. As a wildlife co-management-led film production, this initiative represents a unique collaboration among the Torngat Wildlife & Plants Co-Management Board, the Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board, the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board, as well as the Anguvigaq in Nunavik, and the Pangnirtung Hunter’s and Trappers Association.
Nanuk Narratives is a collection of stories about people and polar bears across Nunavut, Nunavik, Nunatsiavut, and Greenland, as experienced by Inuit who have been living with these animals for millenia.
Co-Creation of Series
At its core, Nanuk Narratives is about collaboration and partnership, bringing together a diverse group of individuals to share the story of Inuit and polar bears across the Davis Strait. Both Inuit and non-Inuit, from various regions, disciplines, professions, and knowledge systems, worked together with the intention of creating this series through a collective process that honors Inuit experiences and perspectives. An interdisciplinary working group was formed with members from Inuit co-management boards, local communities, government, and academic institutions, all contributing to the shared vision of supporting Inuit voices in polar bear management. Community members played an active role in the creation of the series, assisting with filming, sharing their knowledge, and providing insights into the relationship between Inuit and polar bears. Their voices, wisdom, and contributions were integral to the project, ensuring that the deep connections between Inuit and polar bears were represented in ways that aligned with community values and priorities. This collective filmmaking approach is at the heart of the Nanuk Narratives project, promoting Inuit self-representation, self-determination, and control over their knowledge, wildlife, and stories.